Dog Breed DNA Testing

Dog Breed DNA Testing

Dog Breed DNA Testing

Order our DNA Breed test and find out what breeds make up your dog

The DNA Breed Identification Test will identify the breeds in your dog's DNA. These characteristics provide a better understanding of the dog's behavior, potential health risks and personality.

Now at the lowest price ever thanks to the support of dog lovers like you!
Just $85 AUD for the complete and informative report.


Do you think your dog has is a unique breed?

Now you can discuss personality traits and health issues unique to your dog with owners of the same or similar breed mix.


  • Your dog's full breed composition.
  • Unique personality traits of your dog.
  • Genetic health concerns.
  • Predispositions to disease.

Your results include:

  • A custom photo certificate of your dog's breed composition.
  • A report on your dog's dominant breed, personality traits and health concerns.

Determine the breed of your dog and the unique genetic blueprint behind your dog's ancestry, health, personality and other traits.

The DNA of any dog governs the appearance of the dog as well as being related to the general behavioral characteristics of the breed. In recent years, there has been a great deal of research performed on how differences in DNA give rise to the differences that are seen among breeds.

Advances in DNA testing technology mean that it has become possible to identify the ancestry of any dog by performing a simple test using a cheek swab. The DNA required for the test to be run is isolated from cells that are trapped on the swab. All cells carry the same genetic material, regardless of the type or location in the animal. Taking a cheek swab is, therefore, the easiest way to obtain the samples needed for testing.


Importance of breed results

What can you do with the results?

Pet wellness is perhaps the most important part of canine ownership.

Acquiring genetic breed heritage knowledge will help educate you about your dog and his or her special health and behaviour traits. You can now be proactive about many of the important factors affecting your dog’s life.

You possess insight into your dog's unique genetic background, including the history of their breed, personality traits, exercise levels, and much more!

You have information on any diseases your dog may be predisposed to. Please make sure to discuss any health issues with your vet and be proactive before any serious illness strikes.

Meaning of dog breed composition

Level 1:

This category helps owners recognize when their pet's DNA contains a majority of a specific breed (75% or greater). If your dog has a strong match to one of our validated breeds, then it is categorized as Level 1. Most mixed breed dogs will not usually have a breed in this category unless one or both of their parents are purebred.

Level 2:

This category reports breeds that are easily recognizable within your dog. While these breeds may have a strong influence on your pet, each breed listed makes up less than the majority of your dog's DNA, between 37%-74%. This usually means one of the parents was a purebred.

Level 3:

This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s), usually coming from a grandparent.

Level 4:

Represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA, usually coming from a great-grandparent.

Level 5:

This level represents the lowest level of breed in your dog occurring at 9% or less. However, they still appear at a low and measurable amount in your pet's DNA.


We test all AKC, UKC and CKC breeds for a total of 340 different breeds.

Our DNA analysis for breed composition is now even more precise because the pieces of the canine genomic puzzle are much better understood.

Genetics is what makes a pointer point, a sheep dog herd, and determines the size and life-span of breeds. Dog breeds have the greatest mammalian diversity in terms of size, shape and behaviour, and are extremely susceptible to behaviour modification by social contact with people and other animals.

In genetic terms dogs are a very recent phenomena, surprisingly there are only about 1500 generations between the common original ancestor, the wolf, and today's diverse breeds. Recent evidence indicates that the common ancestor had its origins in the Middle East and in the course of archaeological studies in the area, there is extensive evidence documenting the transition from the wolf to the domesticated family member.

The bond originated as wolves followed hunter-gathers to feed on food remnants left behind. The proximity of some of the animals formed the first tentative but strengthening bond with primitive man. As the bond and domestication evolved, dogs played an important role in human development by acting as sentries and guardians of early settlements. Eventually, selective breeding evolved into the specialization that exists today.


Step 1:
Place your order now. Click here to order >>

Step 2:
Receive your kit and collect the dog's DNA. Please follow the instructions.

Step 3:
Receive your detailed report by email.

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Phone: 1 877 842 4827
Fax: 1 855 897 2528

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